Studying Arbitration in France
Initially taught by only a few French universities, arbitration has become an essential subject in recent years, one that French universities are eager to offer their students. Do you want to learn more about this fascinating subject ? Whether you are a student or an experienced legal professional, there is certainly a program tailored for you.
Paris metropolitain area
In the Paris metropolitan area, you can find various Master’s and continuing education programs related to arbitration and international law, including :
At Université Paris I (Pantheon-Sorbonne) :
- Master 2 in Arbitration and International Business Law
- Master 2 in Private International Law
- Master 2 in Global Business Law and Governance
At Université Paris II (Pantheon-Assas) :
- Master 2 in Litigation, Arbitration, and Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Master 2 in Private International Law and International Trade Law
At Université Paris V :
At Université Paris X Nanterre :
At Université Paris XII :
At Université Paris Saclay (campus Versailles-Saint-Quentin) :
At Université Paris XIII :
At Sciences Po Paris :
- Master 2 in Economic Law, 2nd year, with a focus on Economic Litigation and Arbitration
- LLM in Transnational Arbitration & Dispute Settlement
At Queen Mary University of London (Paris campus) :
Outside the Paris metropolitan area :
- At Université Aix-Marseille : Master 2 in International Business Law
- At Université de Montpellier : Master 2 in International Trade Law
- At Université de Dijon : Master 2 in International Business Lawyers
- At Université de Montpellier : DU (Diploma of University) in Internal and International Arbitration
- At Université Toulouse Capitole : DU in Arbitration
- MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) in Internet and International Arbitration offered by Faculté de droit de Montpellier in collaboration with FNDE and the Centre du Droit de l’Entreprise.
Please note that the program availability and details may change, so it’s advisable to visit the respective university websites or contact them directly for the most up-to-date information on these programs.
There are also continuing education programs in arbitration (non-exhaustive list) :
- PIDA (International Chamber of Commerce) training programs
- Training programs offered by the Centre for Mediation and Arbitration of Paris
- Training programs offered by the French Arbitration Committee (Comité Français de l’Arbitrage)
- Training programs offered by the French Arbitration Association (Association Française d’Arbitrage)
- ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) France training programs
- Training programs offered by the Bar School (Ecole de Formation du Barreau)
- Paris Arbitration Academy